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Brendan Bottcher New Curling Team

Brendan Bottcher Forms New Curling Team

Edmonton Skip Looks to Olympics

Posted April 16, 2024

Edmonton skip Brendan Bottcher has assembled a new curling team with Olympic aspirations. The team includes former Olympians Kennedy Gallant and Marc Hebert.

Bottcher's previous team, which included Darren Moulding, Brad Thiessen, and Karrick Martin, disbanded in April 2022 after failing to qualify for the Beijing Olympics.

The new team has already begun training and is scheduled to compete in several tournaments this fall. Bottcher is confident that the team has the potential to be one of the best in the world.

"We've got a lot of experience on this team," Bottcher said. "We've all been to the Olympics, and we all know what it takes to win."

Gallant, a two-time Olympic medalist, is excited to be reunited with Bottcher. The two previously played together on the Canadian junior team that won the world championship in 2012.

"Brendan is one of the best skips in the world," Gallant said. "He's a great leader, and he knows how to get the best out of his teammates. I'm confident that we can achieve great things together."

Hebert, a three-time Olympian, is also looking forward to the challenge. He said that the team has a good mix of experience and youth.

"We've got a lot of potential," Hebert said. "We're all hungry to win, and we're all willing to put in the work. I think we can be a very successful team."
